Case Classification Diagrams and Frequently Asked Questions

Screenshot showing a Case Classification Diagram

These tools are designed to guide investigators through the components of surveillance case definitions for enteric conditions. They are designed to assist state and local public health officials in enteric disease case classification. While reportable conditions vary by state, case definitions are based on CSTE’s Position Statements.

Campylobacteriosis [PDF, 615KB]

Cryptosporidiosis [PDF, 612KB]

Cyclosporiasis [PDF, 580KB]

Giardiasis [PDF, 613KB]

Listeriosis [PDF, 646KB]

Salmonellosis [PDF, 608KB]

Shigellosis [PDF, 616KB]

Typhoid Fever [PDF, 628KB]

Vibriosis [PDF, 639KB]

Yersiniosis [PDF, 607KB]

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